Surgical Speed-Meet: London

Tuesday July 2nd 2019

Surgical Speed-Meet: London

6-9pm, Tuesday 2 July, Royal College of Surgeons of England

Anxiety. Joy. Grief. Fear. Curiosity.

How does it feel to practise surgery?

At our interactive Surgical Speed-Meet event you can chat to surgeons about the place of emotions in their work. Our aim is to de-mystify and humanise surgery. We want to open up 1:1 conversations between the public and surgeons about the range of emotions involved in surgical care.

This informal evening event will run along the lines of a 'speed-dating' format, with attendees spending a few minutes speaking to each surgeon and rotating around the room. At the end of the event, we’ll come together as a group over refreshments to reflect on what we’ve learned.

The event will involve a small group of around 30 participants (15 surgeons, 15 members of the public), and will also feature historical perspectives from researchers on the Surgery & Emotion project.

The event is free but booking is essential - please see link below.

Refreshments will be provided.

We will be based in the Nuffield Building of the Royal College of Surgeons. The venue is wheelchair accessible. More information on access available here.

This is a public engagement event from the Surgery & Emotion project organised in association with the Hunterian Museum.

It is the first in a series of Surgical Speed-Meet events which will take place across the country - watch this space for more details.

The event programme is supported by Wellcome Trust Research Enrichment - Public Engagement funding.

Click here for more details